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If your child is unwell and unable to attend, it is the responsibility of you as a parent/carer to inform the school.  A telephone call or note to explain the absence is necessary; otherwise an unauthorised absence will be recorded. Alternatively you can email our dedicated absence email address -


In the event of your child having a medical appointment during school time, please inform the school office or class teacher.  




Schools are required to publish attendance figures which distinguish between authorised and unauthorised absences.  Authorised absences include those of sickness, medical treatment and educational visits. 


If a child is taken out of school without the school’s permission, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Persistent unauthorised absence can result in prosecution.


Lateness for school


School registers are closed 10 minutes after the start of the morning and afternoon school sessions.  If a pupil arrives after this time, it is recorded as an unauthorised absence. Contact the school in the first instance if you are concerned about this.


If a pupil arrives after this time, it is recorded as an unauthorised absence. Contact the school in the first instance if you are concerned about this. If a child is frequently late, the parents may be failing to ensure that their child is receiving full time education, and could be prosecuted by the Local Authority. Within the Children’s Services Department, the Education Welfare Service is responsible for matters of attendance and truancy.


Attendance at Harrison is good.  However, if a child is frequently late, parents may be failing to ensure that their child is receiving full time education, and could be referred to the Education Welfare Service who are responsible for matters of attendance and truancy.

