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My child is unwell - should they go to school today?

COVID-19 Advice


Public Health England have produced a letter for schools which explains when a person requires a coronavirus test and what the symptoms of coronavirus are.  The intention of this letter is to help prevent children being taken out of school unnecessarily and answer any queries you may have.  To access the letter please click the link below.

General Illnesses


To help you decide if and when your child should remain off school a simple guide has been produced for a number of the most common illnesses. 


Please click on the link below.

Reporting your child's absence


If your child is unwell and unable to attend, it is the responsibility of you as a parent/carer to inform the school.  A telephone call or note to explain the absence is necessary; otherwise an unauthorised absence will be recorded. Alternatively you can email our dedicated absence email address -


In the event of your child having a medical appointment during school time, please inform the school office or class teacher.  
