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PSHCE Statement

At Harrison Primary our PSHCE curriculum further enhances our Rights Respecting ethos and culture by giving our children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to become confident, healthy and independent global citizens with a clear understanding of the importance of well-being, both physical and emotional.


Our PSHCE curriculum is taught discretely and is in addition embedded throughout our curriculum to give depth to the children’s understanding and allow them to experience PSHCE in a range of contexts, including real life contexts.


Through our PSHCE lessons, both embedded and discrete, our children deeply explore their emotional health and well being, develop financial awareness, learn about British values and citizenship, bullying (including cyber bullying), and drug, tobacco and alcohol education.


The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is at the heart of our school. Through many vehicles – PSHCE lessons and experiences, Rights Respecting education, assemblies, Philosophy for Children, ‘Children as Decision Makers’ Teams (School Council, Green Team, Peer Mentors, Compu stars, Library Stars, Radio Stars) our children experience and explore democracy, RRR and develop respect and tolerance of those of different faiths, beliefs and opinions.


We recognise the value of our community in developing the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of PSHCE and plan opportunities for the children to meet with and question various members of our community e.g from the fire service, local community Police force, the post office, past pupils of Harrison Primary, Hearing Dog association.


At Harrison our PSHE curriculum is enriched and enhanced throughout the year through residential trips (years 4 and 6), school visits, community events such as ‘grounds day’ and the Year 6 Enterprise Fayre, sports, arts and music clubs (Choir and Steel Pans) and events (Ferneham Hall Whole School Production).


For those children who need extra support with regard to their personal and social development we have key stage 1 and key stage 2 nurture groups, an ELSA Team, and we work alongside Heathfield School to ensure that all our pupils can develop and thrive.

