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School Governors

Thank you for visiting the Governors' section of the website. As the chair of governors I thought I would introduce myself and explain a bit about who the school governors are and what we do. I have been a governor at Harrison for around 6 years, and I am in my 4th year as chair. Both my children went to school at Harrison, and my daughter is still there. I work full time for a local authority (most of the governors work full time). Harrison currently has around 15 governors including some of the school staff and several parents. All the governors have different backgrounds and experience, but together we work to fulfil three main responsibilities: overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent; holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and ensuring that the school has s clear strategic vision. As a group we know that the only way to do these things is to spend time in the school observing what goes on and asking questions. We do this by visiting during the school day to speak with the children and the staff; by meeting with the head teacher and other senior leaders more formally in the evening; and we are also trying hard to get to as many of the school events as we can this year. We look at the school's performance data, and receive reports from Hampshire County Council on the school and the head teacher. We would also like to find ways to engage more with you, the parents and carers this year. Harrison is an outstanding school with a great team of professional staff and amazing children but we know that all things can improve and we are all pleased to be doing our bit to improve Harrison Primary School so that every child gets the opportunity to reach his or her potential. If you are interested in becoming a governor and would like to speak with us about joining Harrison's governing board please get in touch by emailing the school admin office.   David Moorman Chair of Governors


Governors Report to Parents - October 2022

Governor Details 2020/21

Governor Details 2019/20

Governor Details 2018/19

 Governor Details 2017/18

Governor Attendance 2020/21

Governor Attendance 2019/20

Governor Attendance 2018/19

Governor Attendance 2017/18

Governor Attendance 2016/17

Register of interests
